How To Boost Productivity While Working From Home

7 min readAug 15, 2021

Every day, the number of remote workers keeps increasing. While it may be a good trend, the challenge faced by a majority of remote workers is that they experience low productivity. Hence it raises the question, “How can I boost productivity while working from home?”

Learning how to work from home is very important if you want to be both efficient and effective at your job.

This is because, at home, you are less likely to go through the normal daily routine. More so, distractions are everywhere around you.

So, if you’re looking for the best ways to boost your productivity while working from home, these tips would help you.

Here are 10 tips to help you increase productivity while working from home.

#1. Get Ready

Dressing up is something most people don’t consider a factor while working from home. And that shouldn’t be so.

In as much as you’d be working remotely, do not underestimate the power of good work clothes. Ask yourself, if I was to go to work today, would I go in my Pyjamas?

Of course not! So to get into work spirit, you have to start with how you look.

So, if you’re concerned about making the most out of your time at home, get out of your sleepwear. Put on something casual and comfortable.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should dress as formally as you would when going to work. But a simple act of changing from your sleepwear into something else will give a signal to wake up and get the job done.

More so, our brains are programmed to take clues from our appearance and environment. Hence, changing your clothes tells your brain that you are set for work.

#2. Reduce distractions at home

Although there are lots of benefits of working from home, there are still lots of challenges accrued to it. One of which is distractions. It can become tempting to just binge-watch your favorite TV show or start cooking while working, or start doing chores.

Additionally, distractions can come in form of frequent power outages or data exhaustion. That is why we recommend that you consider using Bitcoin to pay for your utility bill. It eliminates the long waiting time that comes with recharging through normal bank transfers.

More so, another way to overcome distractions is to have an allocated time to carry out each chore. When you’re tempted to turn on the TV, listen to music instead.

Not only will you overcome distractions, but you’d also discover more ways to boost your productivity while working from home.

#3. Use the latest technology

Over 90% of individuals will go for remote working if asked to choose randomly. However, even though it is considered the people’s choice, working remotely has its cons too.

Imagine you are in an important meeting with a potential client who has a very short temper, and all of a sudden, your video stops working and nobody can hear your voice clearly due to network issues.

What do you think the outcome of such a situation will look like?

Before you go ahead to imagine the reaction of your client, you’d first feel frustrated and embarrassed at what happened.

To avoid this, it’s best to use a competent Wi-Fi router.

Good internet connection is the major tool for remote workers. However, to get the best service provider, you’d have to do proper research on the price, speed, and specifications before deciding.

Here are some recommendations to guide you;

· Carry out thorough research on all the plans provided by the service providers.

· Properly study the requirements

· Listen to recommendations from friends and colleagues

· Go ahead to make a decision.

Conversely, using a good system goes a long way to ensure that you maximize your productivity. If your machine stops working, or the screen suddenly goes blind, you’d be unable to work for the rest of the day. This drastically reduces your productivity.

Thus, not having a good working device is a big challenge to the smooth running of your work. To prevent such a situation,

· Invest in good, and long-lasting devices

· Ensure it uses the latest version of its operating system

· Take good care of your devices.

Using Bitcoin to pay for some of your utilities makes working from home seamless and easy.

This means that you don’t have to go through the hassle of bank deposits or transfers if you want to pay for Wi-fi or electricity when the lights go off.

#4. Set up a nice home office

As comforting as your bed may be, it isn’t the ideal spot to carry out your official duties. Hence, the need for you to set a good work environment. Having a designated office space will help you maintain boundaries between home and work activities.

More so, working from home is best for most people due to its convenience. However, this convenience can be detrimental to your productivity.

So, choose a good space that can serve as your home office. Ensure the space is free from all forms of distraction. Because, when the environment gives you work vibes, you’re more likely to focus and get the work done.

Here’s how to prep a workspace for you;

· Choose a corner of your room with good natural lighting. Forget about the sitting room because it is packed with enough distractions to prevent you from your task for the day.

· Set up a comfortable chair, that you can sit on for at least 8 hours a day.

· Set a desk next to it. Ensure that the desk is not too high for you when sitting.

· Place your computer on the desk.

· Neatly place your materials and stationery on the desk to help you be more focused on your job.

An organized and dedicated workspace will enable you to set your mind to work for the day.

#5. Have consistent working hours

One of the challenges of working from home is that you can lose track of time easily. When you’re so focused on your task, it’s normal for you to be unaware of the amount of time that has passed.

But this is unhealthy. Working overtime is okay when the need arises but too much of it is detrimental to your health.

Having a good work-life balance is a very important factor when working from home. The ability to separate your work life from your professional life will greatly help you.

You should have a routine for your working hours, so as not to encroach into the time for your personal life. This means that if you plan to work for six hours per day, from 11 am to 5 pm, make sure you stick to your schedule.

On days when you have a lot of work to do, you can either resort to requesting an extension or work the next day.

But trying to finish all the work in a day can be very harmful to your health. So, you need to have an organized timetable to direct your work schedule.

#6. Set boundaries with your household

If you don’t live alone, it’s easy for family members to forget that even while you’re at home you’re also working.

To avoid having issues with your family members, have a conversation with them so that they’re aware of when your working hours are.

And if they can’t flow with your usual pattern, then you may have to consider changing your schedule.

#7. Have a To-do List

From the name, a to-do list is a list of tasks organized in their order of priority. Working from home with a to-do list helps you to organize your tasks for the day to ensure you have maximum productivity.

Creating a to-do list allows you to keep the progress of your tasks and in the order with which you carry them out.

The goal is to ensure you are focused on your tasks and to increase productivity.

Similarly, you can use a calendar to keep track of your meetings and appointments, that way you don’t have to struggle to remember your schedule for the day.

#8. Take Breaks in-between

When you are in the office, you look forward to breaking times to enable you to rest your mind and relax. But at home, it’s easy to forget that you need to rest.

Usually, the home is a place where you go to rest after work. But working from home, makes you mix up your rest time with your work time. And everything becomes messy.

Hence, to prevent this, don’t sit in one place for too long. Take breaks in between. Move around, and keep yourself active throughout the day.

You may also decide to watch a comedy series on Netflix. Take short naps or carry out mini exercises to increase your efficiency throughout the day.

#9. Don’t forget to Clean up!

In the office, it’s common to leave your desks scattered because there are janitors who would clean up after you. However, while working from home, the situation is different. You’d have to keep your workspace clean.

This is because, keeping your home office clean helps you to stay focused, be organized, and boosts your productivity. More so, organizing your desks ensures that you don’t misplace the most important tasks.

So, to prevent distractions as a result of a messy desk, set up a weekly cleaning schedule. That way, you have a particular time to clean, and a time to work.

#10. Use the right tool

At the office, it’s common to speak to your colleagues at intervals. From informal conversations about what’s happening at work, or how a particular manager behaves, to formal conversations that involve projects and topics alike.

However, working from home gives you an entirely different space. It’s just you vs. your laptop, thereby taking away the chances of having conversations with anyone.

To improve your communication at home, consider using work from home apps like Slack, so it’s easy to have informal conversations with your team.

You can also consider hosting regular video calls on Microsoft platforms that allow you to communicate with your team on informal levels.

Bottom Line

We hope these tips will help you to boost your productivity while working from home.

More so, consider using Bitcoin to accept and make payments. Its seamless transaction can boost your productivity all the way up to 100%.

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